⚠️ Important Change: Hide User Emails is now default

@Krivo I have an existing “I believe I have found a bug in Glide” support ticket active and have already updated it with this discovery of what the bug truly is - should I submit an entirely separate bug report?

If your app was developed a while ago, you may have been temporarily grandfathered in and allowed to collect real addresses without paying for a Pro subscription. If you’re paying for Pro, this is definitely a bug. If you’re not paying for Pro, that may fix your tab visibility/address collection issues.

@a.manda i would think that existing bug report is right way to go


@a.manda is this a free app? Recording real user emails is a Pro feature, please upgrade if you need this functionality.

@david it is a free app, however I made it exactly a year ago and in your own words this switch was handled ethically and this bug should not be occurring:

Currently waiting for your engineering team to come through with a fix :pray:t2:

cc: @MegannLock

Hey @david,

I am building an app in which we sell products on third party marketplaces like OfferUp and Ebay.
We want to incorporate the purchase of an item with a verification process so that our users can user our interactive app.

If I wanted to relate a purchase to the email provided to us by our consumer, how could I ensure that their email will properly relate itself to the item if their email is encrypted?

I would like to keep it lean and use the free app until the business scales.

Please start a new thread (and do not mention me ;D).

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