I’d like to make a report with datas of each row (each date).
Does somebody have an idea for the followings things ? 1. Calculate number of students “Present” for each row ? I think that Arrayformula doesn’t work in row with Countif. 2. Is it possible to show in Glide which student were “present” for each Date ?
I think about that but i can’t find a solution.
I’ve used a form with one choice button for each student … That’s why student’s name are on first row and not first column… I can use “transpose” function on the sheet in order to have name on Column A. If i do that i can easily calculate number of student but idon’t find to show on the Glide a list of the date and for which the list of students
Again I would consider reorganizing the data structure. You could make a new tab for your choice component with a list of student names. So instead of many choice components for each student you would have 1 choice component for ALL students.
Perhaps your approach is better, I will have to yield to the experts on this one.
Thank you for your help…
I have found a method : array formula with “rows” for calculate nimber of students “present” and list with détail view for student presents for each date.
You can watch this : https://gestiondeclub-appel.glideapp.io/
=> Tap Logo > Tap U8
Float button = relevance and “Bilan de séance” = Report of relevance