Attendance App Recommendations

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time posting in this community, and I’m a very novice Glide user (3 or so months in).

I’m building an attendance app for my school. I need to log a date choice, attendance taker name, event attendance is taken in, and the names of all the students who may be absent for the event.

I then need to send those individual student names into another table, creating new rows for each name indicated as absent. The row also needs to contain all the other information logged for the event (date, taker name, event, etc.).

In my existing form, I’m using a choice option and allowing for multiple selections. This creates an array of names along with the event information in a table.

What would your suggestions be to parse the array and create individual new rows associated with each name and include the event information in a new table?

Thanks in advance, all those wiser than I!

Probably best to turn the data in json format and use the Glide API to create rows for each student.

Thanks @GrumpyRick! Unfortunately, my institution is not so interested in upgrading to the business plan… which I think is the only way to use the Glide API… Blarg.

Can still be done but would need to use something like Make or Zapier.

It does sound some what like this approach.

@GrumpyRick I will check both of those options out. Thanks!

@ThinhDinh Thanks! Interesting. I’ll mess around with that and see what I can make happen.