Hello, All,
After having to abandon my Glide projects for several months due to family issues, I’m finally getting back into it. I’m thrilled to say that what brought me back is that I showed one of my many non-profit organization app prototypes to a client and they want to BUY IT!
I’ve been watching the YouTube channel for the past months and I am a little concerned about the “we want to move to Pages only” direction of Glide.
For my current project, I very much need the Phone and Email components that are available in Apps. However, I see in the Glide documentation that they are not available in Pages.
Has anyone developed a work-around. The reason it is so important is that even though I’m following Glide’s plan to work in Pages only, this project is really meant to be used on phones.
I’m really looking forward to getting back into Glide and participating in this creative community.
When you say you miss these components, do you mean you miss the fact that a user can tap and the App will automatically dial the number or compose an email?
It’s easy enough to get this behaviour in Pages. You can display the number or email in a Rich Text component, and then assign an appropriate action. Either “Dial Phone Number” or “Compose Email”
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“When you say you miss these components, do you mean you miss the fact that a user can tap and the App will automatically dial the number or compose an email?” YES! Absolutely.
I was able to use the Rich Text component as you suggested–thanks for that. However, it isn’t as cute as in the app where the little email, phone, and text icons appeared next to the number. Any suggestions for recreating that?
I agree with you, Mona. The email, phone, link/URL components in Apps don’t have their equivalent in Pages.
Following Darren’s suggestion to use a template column using emojis and rich text components, here are other display ideas.
… using a template column to adjust how the basic data will be displayed.
Complementing what guys said here up, I also use this website