I have read the tutorial… I must be dense… I just cannot figure out how to make it work?
Here’s the related link in the docs.
Can you show us how you have configured it?
You’re not dense, we’ve followed the ‘basic’ instructions a couple of times and can’t get it to work either.
So I think I have made it work to send push notifications from within the app… but is there a way to limit the users that are able to send push notifications? Or better yet send a push notification from outside the app? Like type a new message in a google doc and it automatically sends a push notification?
No, you can’t trigger a Glide notification outside the app.
Do you mean only certain users should be able to send notifications based on their actions? Or do you want to limit the number of users that can receive notifications? If yes, how do you expect that to work?
I want to limit who is able to send notifications to everyone.
But I am realizing that you cannot send notifications if you have your app set up so they don’t have to sign in.
Yeah, since you have to specify the recipient email, then you must have those emails logged somewhere.
If you eventually have this setup, you would need a boolean in the User Profiles to introduce a further check. Notifications are tied to actions, not users, so when a user does some thing, you would want to see if the boolean is checked, before allowing the push notification action to run.