How to show the whole image in Multiple Image

When I choose a single image coloumn for the iamge component it shows the whole image, but when i select multiple image coloumn, it crops the image, I added the screens below.

The first one i selected image 1 coloumn, in the 2nd one I selected multiple images coloumn to create a gallery but it does not show the whole image.

This happens because the object-fit setting on the image placed in the container needs to be enforced. If you expect to be able to display the entire image intact, then the portrait image will experience a width shrinkage. While the default css setting of Glide is object fit: cover;, you need to override the setting to be object-fit: contain;, and the result is like the image below.


This is an old issue, where I once stated that the options between auto and square are the same. @NoCodeAndy, you should escalate it for a fix.