How to send email to a list of user using Zapier in Glide?

I think you just stick to this extra table.

Create a relation from the Places table to the Favorites table, and return all the emails through a joined list column.

For favoriting/unfavorting:

Favoriting: Add a row to the Favorites sheet, containing the signed-in user’s email and the Places ID.


  • Add a template column in the Places table containing the email of the signed-in user and the Places ID. Let’s say it would look like: - ID.

  • Add a template column in the Favorites table with the same structure as above.

  • Create a relation using the pair of columns above, from the Places table to the Favorites table.

  • When people click an “Unfavorite” button, you delete the row using the relation. That way, you can just always refer to the list of emails I mentioned at the top to pass to Zapier, no need to care about adding/removing elements from arrays.