I use airtable as db for my apps, and i don’t know how the update counts work “Syncing data once from an external source like Google Sheets or Airtable is one update. For example, when someone edits a Google Sheet connected to your app and Glide syncs the latest version.” so does it means for every row added this will be counted as one update ?
So my question is , how to reduce the number of updates as i edit the Airtable base frequently ? what to avoid
It’s not strictly related to the “syncing” part you quoted, but every new row added from Glide to Airtable is counted as one update.
For syncing, if it works like Google Sheets, then everytime there’s an edit from the Airtable side, Airtable would tell Glide that ok, there was an edit, please sync it. Every sync will cost 1 update. If you change multiple things in a short duration in Airtable, then there’s a good chance it would only cause 1 sync.
Simply moving data across the Internet and storing it has a cost associated with it. I don’t forsee Glide allowing unlimited bandwidth to move and store data in their database, especially for free.