How to open edit new event screen when tapping blank event in calendar?

For the calendar component, if you check Allow users to add items, is it a bug that schedules are automatically added when you tap a day that has no schedules?
I want to open the edit screen (Form) when I do this, but I can’t find a place to set it.
I want customers to be able to tap the date to make an appointment! Do you know how to achieve this?

Works normally for me, you can choose a day on the month view, or drag to choose different time slots on other views.

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Works for me too. I can add an entry by tapping the day. Is it possible to pass a hidden value back when adding an entry? I have my entries filtered so need the new entry to have the category added automatically.

thank you for your reply. A screen like this will appear. I tried it on Chrome and iPhone, but again the entry screen is not displayed. We are investigating the cause. Maybe it’s because I have a form entry button on the same screen? ?

Thank you for your reply. I had the form entry on the same screen as the calendar and included the user key in the input value. (I am creating an attendance management application for multiple people, so that only the data of the user who entered the data is displayed) I tried removing the calendar filter, but it does not work. We will continue to investigate the cause.

Just checked as I suddenly thought it may be possible to write a value on submit - but unfortunately not.

I have my calendar view sort set to a relation field - so any entries added directly to a day just disappear (as they don’t have and can’t have the correct filters applied)

Sorry I couldn’t help

Honestly, you would be better off disabling the build in Add functionality on the calendar. Instead use a form container or a button with a ‘Show Form Screen’ for adding new calendar entries.

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Thank you for confirming.

After all, it seems that the only option is to turn off the add calendar function. thank you.

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