Yeah, this is something that I documented almost a year ago. Concerning, especially if it could lead to file deletion. Makes it difficult to have backup copies of apps, or have apps that share the same data source. Doesn’t seem right to count a single file multiple times.
Up until yesterday, the team folder contained the original classic app and the new app version…both of which share the same google sheet data source. Under usage I noticed that I was using 6.3Gb. Didn’t think much about it at the time. Yesterday I duplicated the new app to strip it down as a separate app for a very specific use case and noticed my data usage went to over 9Gb of usage. As I understand it, I believe I’m only using around 3Gb of actual Glide storage, but now it’s showing as tripled the amount because I have 3 apps that all share the same data source (and same urls to the same files). This doesn’t seem right as it should only be counting the same files once per team. Not multiple times.
File storage usage is being double, triple, quadruple counted based on how many projects use the same tables that contain the same files. I had up to 4 apps in my team folder that used the same google sheet data source. I only have 3Gb of actual files but glide was saying that I was using 12Gb. These are the same files in the same location. They are only taking up 3Gb of space. They did not magically duplicate when I duplicated the project, so why is a file being counted 2/3/4 times. I ended up deleting projects for fear that Glide would start deleting files without my knowledge. This point below in the documentation led to me to delete the extra projects I was working on. Can’t risk file loss because the data is being used in a 4 year old legacy pro app in production.
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