How to empty file storage

Hi !
I have a 4.5Gb storage, and I can’t find how to empty it, can you help?
Thanks !!

Delete file links from your apps.

Delete the file link from your data source.

This is what the File Storage Link will look like


I deleted all files links from the database (spreadsheet), and no update on the file storage

Are there any files that are uploaded to user specific columns which you don’t see on your spreadsheet?

thanks for your hepl !
No, all files are displayed, all links deleted.

Here’s a reference from an earlier thread.

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Is there a way to delete files faster than waiting 30 days for that? I need space ASAP

Also I have a lot of projects and I cannot know which one is probably consuming more storage than others. A better control os usage per app would be really useful :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure the storage usage is updated almost immediately as long as no app references that file anymore. You still have 30 days to recover the file, but I’m pretty sure it’s not counted against your usage if you don’t refer it it anywhere.

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