How to get more file storage

I need more file storage.
I’m on the MAKER PLAN and want to use 100GB of storage, what can I do?

I have an additional question.
I read that the storage will be cleared within 30 days if the link is removed from the app. How can I remove the link to an image uploaded by a user to the image picker, and is there any way to just delete it to free up space?
The image picker is user specific, so as an admin, I can’t see the images myself.

Thank you.

The only thing that’s ever stored in the table is a link. You may be using an image type column, which renders the image, but underneath it’s still just a link. Regardless, you just need to clear the value in the column. If your column is user specific, then your only option bis to preview as that user to clear the link from that column. Once the link is no longer referenced anywhere, it will automatically be deleted from storage within 30 days.


If we have tables linked to several apps, it seems that usage is multiplied, so we are being charged multiple times for the same files/images.

Is there anything we can do about that?

Yeah, this is something that I documented almost a year ago. Concerning, especially if it could lead to file deletion. Makes it difficult to have backup copies of apps, or have apps that share the same data source. Doesn’t seem right to count a single file multiple times.

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Indeed it doesn’t seem right…
Yes, I had seen this thread, thank you Jeff.

Glide keeps track of how many times a table is linked, so they know when usage is “over” counted. The implementation seems straight forward if the apps are in the same team. Less so if it’s across teams (who would be charged for it).

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