🎥 How to Create a Custom Client Portal with Glide Pages

Create Your Own Client Portal with Glide!

In this 5 part series, I show you how to set up a custom client portal in Glide Pages.

Step 1: Create Your Client’s Profile

  • cleanup your client list
  • create a Glide Pages project with said list
  • mockup a client profile screen
  • allow your client to log in

Step 2: Share Your Client’s Deliverables

  • create the deliverables table
  • display deliverables on the client’s profile
  • filter deliverables by client

Step 3: Allow Clients to Update Things

  • update deliverables
  • update their profile
  • add ideas
  • filter their content

Step 4: Add Your Team as Administrators

  • upload team members
  • give them custom views
  • allow access to all clients profiles
  • add new clients

Step 5: Onboard Your Team and Clients

  • finalize your design
  • publish your portal
  • invite your team and clients

P.S. If this helped you, show this tweet some love! :point_down:


I can’t wait to have a look at your videos.

I don’t have much of a Twitter following but I did give your tweets some love. Have you posted on LinkedIn?

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This is awesome, @Darren_Alderman!

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Hello, great series. I am not able to access the template you link to in your video description. Glide hangs when I try to duplicate the template. Is there another way to access the template? Thanks!

Great, that worked – thanks!

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Pretty cool guide, thanks for explaining Glide Pages. Glide is a new thing for me!

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Many, many thanks. I enjoyed this video and it was easy to understand and follow and along. Your explanations were very clear and consise.

As I was a trainer for 20+ years in a past life (am now retired), I greatly appreciate how you take the time to explain things and actually talk and show the steps you are undertaking. Believe me - Glide need to pay you to develop all their videos is my erstwhile opinion - their documentation leave a lot to be desired. Their videos are either too short or they actually assume people know exactly what they’re on about.

As a newbie to the world of app development and Glide - your videos have been the most helpful. Please keep them coming.

From the bottom of my heart - very greatly appreciated and a massive thank you.

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Hi Darren,
I created an app which I’ve titled Friends portal based on your template. How did you create the buttons please? The reason I’m asking is I have created a datasheet for videos as I would like to provide some videos for each individual user and I for the life of me have been scratching my head re this. Especially if there is more than 1 video. The URL link goes to my video instead of the user’s video and I for the life of me cannot find in the create button feature where I can designated the specific video URL for each individual user. Yes, I have set the video options to filter videos to each specific user, however for the life of me cannot work out how to set either the video image to the specific user videos or create the button so that each specific video will open to the correct specific video.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. (Yes, I have a free account)

Many thanks in advance

Sounds like you may have hard set the image and link to one specific image and file instead of pulling directly from the data, but it would be helpful to see how you configured everything to see where the problem is.

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Hi Jeff,
Many thanks for your reply. Apologies for the delay in responding. I live in Aussie land and the timezones difference is in effect.

To your request, here are some happy snaps of the portal and how configured.

Screenshot 2023-10-12 144349

Screenshot 2023-10-12 144349

Many thanks. Greatly appreciate this.

Yea - you little ripper - I finanlly worked it out and completely by accident.

I was putting together a wee video of the friends’ portal that I have been working on (based on Darren’s template) and had as can see in the images above had basically everything together however could not work out how to put a play button on each specific video for the individual users so they could simply click the button and be taken to the specific video.

Well completely by accident when I was putting together my video I saw the enhanced for whatever it is called in the Actions area clicked on this, selected open cling, chose an icon and selected URL and whalla I now have the play button added to the individual list of videos for a specific user.

So simple when you know how. I think what was happening before was I was not selecting to put an icon into the action and this is why I couldn’t get it to show.

You little beautie. Now I can developed the overview video and it’s all good to go so to speak.

Many, many thanks to all who has been assisting with the issues I have been experiencing with this app. Your recommendations and support are greatly appreciated and has been highly invaluable.

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Are you aware that there is a video component that you could add to the screen? This would allow your users to play the video inside the App without having to click any buttons at all.

Hi Darren,
Many thanks for your response. No I was not aware of this feature as all my rummaging around the general/options/actions areas of the app didn’t show how this feature has been enabled.
Hence, could not replicate for the video data sheet that I developed so specific users will only see their own videos and be able to play them. Hence, why I spent hours trying to work out how to include a play button for each video.

What I also cannot see if how the specific forms i.e. were created so users can edit their stuff. There is an edit profile form with relevant button however I cannot see this form in the backed to update if ever required.

On the videos tab there is an +add button and when I click this there is a form however I cannot see where this form has been generated in the back end so I can update and include a title of video to the form or image when the user completes this form.

Do you know where I find these features please inside the app. M

Many thanks in advance and all your assistance and support is very greatly appreciated.

Thansk for the video, it’s very useful for newbies like me