I have 2 sheets Things and Things Log and both have relation each other with Email and Thing Name.
In form when it approved, Things Log data updated this is what I want but here it showing two submit button. I know it is one for Form component and another for Form Container.
If I use only form component, then could not map values with respective field.
I know I am doing something wrong, but not getting how make it correct. Please help!
Upper right on your screenshot, you have a form container component on a form screen. To add an item to a table, you should be using either a form screen (new screen) or a form container on a custom, detail or new screen (inline form).
I feel the form container component could be disabled on an add screen.
Whether you use the form container component or a form screen, you should be able to add an item to a table.
I want to add them as additional column and these will not be in the form. I did this but not getting the values for the rows. it set empty in respective columns.
First thing I would say that using an onSubmit action to Set Column Values is not a good way to do this, as it is known to not be 100% reliable. This is because sometimes the Set Column Values action will trigger before the new row has been added, and so there is nothing to update.
That said, I think there might be a better approach to get what you want. If I understand correctly, your flow is that a user will be viewing a particular Assembly Step, and you want to give them an option to Approve that step, and also log the fact that it’s been done.
Assuming the above is correct, I would recommend flipping things around. Instead of opening a Form Screen, just add a normal Button component to your Assembly Steps details screen. Label it as “Approve” and configure a custom action with two steps:
Step 1: Set Column Values → Approved → true
Step 2: Add Row → Things Log → use values from the current row
The above I think is a simpler approach and should get you what you need.
It looks like you are trying to Set Column values via a relation - why?
My suggestion was to Set Column Values (Approved → true) in the current row (This item).
Also, you need a custom action (Create new action) so that you can add a row to the Things Log with a second step.
Okay, so if that’s the case you should be able to do it with a single Add Row action.
I’d still recommend a button rather than opening a form screen, as you should then be able to use values from the current row (the row that the details screen is attached to).