How hide submit button from form container

I have 2 sheets Things and Things Log and both have relation each other with Email and Thing Name.
In form when it approved, Things Log data updated this is what I want but here it showing two submit button. I know it is one for Form component and another for Form Container.
If I use only form component, then could not map values with respective field.

I know I am doing something wrong, but not getting how make it correct. Please help!

Upper right on your screenshot, you have a form container component on a form screen. To add an item to a table, you should be using either a form screen (new screen) or a form container on a custom, detail or new screen (inline form).

I feel the form container component could be disabled on an add screen.

Whether you use the form container component or a form screen, you should be able to add an item to a table.

Thank you for the reply!

If I remove the form container then I could not get Additional columns.

Why not?
You can add as many input components to the form screen as you need.

I want to add them as additional column and these will not be in the form. I did this but not getting the values for the rows. it set empty in respective columns.

Can you explain more about these additional columns?
What type of columns are they, and what values are you wanting to set in them?

I’m thinking that maybe you are looking for Column Values.

I don’t want to show these fields into form except approved field but want to save the values of these.

Okay, so:

  • email you can get from the User Profile
  • Timestamp you can use the special Current Time value
  • For the other two - Things and Points - where would those values be coming from?

All of the above could be submitted with the form as column values without being displayed anywhere on the form screen.

this is how I mapped the columns

this is the Things sheet from where I want to map Name => Things and Step Points => Points

Okay, those screen shots are helpful.

First thing I would say that using an onSubmit action to Set Column Values is not a good way to do this, as it is known to not be 100% reliable. This is because sometimes the Set Column Values action will trigger before the new row has been added, and so there is nothing to update.

That said, I think there might be a better approach to get what you want. If I understand correctly, your flow is that a user will be viewing a particular Assembly Step, and you want to give them an option to Approve that step, and also log the fact that it’s been done.

Assuming the above is correct, I would recommend flipping things around. Instead of opening a Form Screen, just add a normal Button component to your Assembly Steps details screen. Label it as “Approve” and configure a custom action with two steps:

  • Step 1: Set Column Values → Approved → true
  • Step 2: Add Row → Things Log → use values from the current row

The above I think is a simpler approach and should get you what you need.

Yeah! your assumption is correct.

When I select Set column Values button is hide.

It looks like you are trying to Set Column values via a relation - why?
My suggestion was to Set Column Values (Approved → true) in the current row (This item).

Also, you need a custom action (Create new action) so that you can add a row to the Things Log with a second step.

Yeah I did that because I could not see the Approved column. It shows the Things sheet’s columns.

Okay, maybe I misunderstood your intention.

Do you actually need to change anything in the Things table, or is the only goal to add a new row to the Things Log table?

I want to add new row in Things Log actually.

Need to map Things(Things Log sheet ) column to Name(Things sheet) column and Email to current User.

Okay, so if that’s the case you should be able to do it with a single Add Row action.
I’d still recommend a button rather than opening a form screen, as you should then be able to use values from the current row (the row that the details screen is attached to).


It works :slight_smile:

Thank you for the help!

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