How do I add a basic video player?

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to add a video to my Glide app but running into some issues.

• I first tried embedding a YouTube video by adding the link to a video component, but YouTube keeps blocking it, asking me to verify I’m not a bot. Since it’s not a native YouTube experience, I’m not sure how to bypass that.

• Next, I uploaded the video to Google Drive, enabled sharing, and used the link, but the video still won’t play.

• I’m considering Vimeo, but I’d rather avoid it since it requires a subscription.

Is there a way to upload the video file directly and have it managed through GlideApps without using a third-party service?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can upload directly to Glide storage. The easiest way is to use a file picker to upload the video. Then you will have the url to use with a video component. Not sure why youtube is causing issues. I believe if the link is a youtube link, it will use youtube’s player. Otherwise it uses the standard html player. As for the google drive link, the file needs to be publicly shared, but it’s not recommended to stream media from google drive.

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Hey Jeff, thanks so much for your help! I’m curious about how this will be implemented. I’d like to keep the app clean and avoid showing the file picker component. Also, where is the file stored, and how would I access the link for it? Appreciate your guidance!

You don’t have to keep the file picker component there. You can remove when you are done with it or put some kind of visibility condition on it.

The file is stored in Glide’s storage. The url is written to the table.

Thanks so much, Jeff! The setup was super easy to implement. Unfortunately, the video still refuses to play. if any solution come up in the future please kindly let me know.

Could be an unsupported file extension or codec. Hard to say though.

What type of extension does your video have?

its mp4

Does the video URL that gets uploaded to Glide also have that mp4 extension?

yes it does

I can’t think of a reason it doesn’t play. Is it possible for you to upload that file somewhere for us to test?

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I gave up on video however i could do with some help stopping the search bar from saving search results even after restart. check here: The app seems to be stuck on the previous search results, even after a full restart

Jeff already gave you the best guidelines over there, so I don’t have anything to add.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The app seems to be stuck on the previous search results, even after a full restart

I just tried to do the same and the video failed to play.

I uploaded to Youtube and the video component worked fine but I wanted to avoid the YouTube branding…

  1. uploaded the video to a multifile column using file picker
  2. Created a single value column for the file URL
  3. Added a video component that pointed to the single value column.

Just got a blank black component.

I realised the address is stored as an array in a mulitple file column. So you need an extra step.

  • Add a component that creates a text list of the titles of files stored in the array. Remove the comma (‘Separated by’ field). Now point to the video component to this column and the video player will work.

It works on ly on adroid not iphone. Thanks anyways appriciate the help

Sure here you go:

Ooops, looks like no sound. But basically you can follow along and I had to wait a while for the video to be uploaded in the background before the URL was generated (I picked a 90MB video file to upload which took about 20 seconds)… also I uploaded it 2x, which screwed up the URL, so needed to delete one of the duplicate before the URL worked.

That shouldn’t be necessary. Did you target the Single Value column directly at the Multiple File column, or via the table?

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Thanks Simon! i have decided to link to youtube works out perfectly actually

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Didn’t work for me even when direct.