How can I streamline question navigation?

Is it possible to have the next question automatically appear after answering the current one, regardless of whether the answer is correct or incorrect, by simply clicking ‘Next’?

I’ve already implemented a system in the app where questions are displayed one by one (picture below). They can be answered, but you’ll need to press the ‘back’ button (‘<’) to return to the list of questions, and continue answering.

Thank you for reading my question, hope I can find a solution soon!

Hi @Bido

Streamlining question navigation is not natural in glide like sometimes in type forms or equivalent. It all depends on the type of questions.
If you have a quiz type question, it’s feasible. You would have a text or title component for the question and a collection for the possible answers.
The first style collection that comes to mind is checklist, asking the user to click on whatever answer he sees fit. The problem is that the check can’t be connected to an action.
So you would probably need an inline style and in the image field put an image of a blank bullet that will show a green check if chosen.
Witt this configuration, you can add an action with at least 2 steps:
Step 1 - mark the answer
Step 2 - go to the next question

In this case you can have a streamlining question navigation

As for the next button, yes you would need your series of questions to be in a table with a number and whenever the user submit the answer you would add an action on the submit button to increment the current question number.
This current question number should be related to a user specified column

If you number your questions sequentially, I think an approach can look like this:

  • Add a “current question number” column in your user profiles row.
  • Set up your quiz table like this.
  • Have a button that has a name like “Start quiz”, and set the “current question number” in your user profiles row to 1.
  • Show a new screen with a custom collection pointing to the quiz table. Filter by “question number” equals to user profiles > “current question number”.
  • Have back and next buttons in the custom collection setup.

There looks like a bug at the moment because I’m not able to increment a user profiles column (is this known @NoCodeAndy ?), an alternative for you is to pre-calculate the “back” and “next” values and use set column actions instead.


That bug has been there forever - at least about 2 years.
But it works if you create a saved action.