How to use a check answer function

I am trying to make a quiz app however whenever I try using an if-then-else column to check if the answer typed is correct by clicking a button it only checks the users answer based on the answer to the first question and I cannot find a way to increment which row it is checking. Any ideas?? I have tried different methods and the only way for me display one question at a time is by setting page limit to 1 as I have imported data from Google Sheets.If you know how it can know that it has to check answer based on question please let me know the full method as I am currently clueless.Thank you!:grinning:

It’s a bit hard to understand what you are trying to do just from your description. A couple of screen shots would be useful. One from the Glide Data Editor that shows the columns in question, and another from the Layout Editor that shows what you are trying to do on the front end (please make sure the components list is visible).


There is different topics as well so is there a way i can organise as well so you can pick topic to study

How about screenshots that show your IF column configuration, and the screens that have your button and entry field to provide an answer.


This is the current way i have done it using a workflow but there is no way in the workflow to create an action that changes the row used to next for next question on next page???

I think you can do it like this:

  • Add a “Current Question” number column in your user profiles table.
  • Add a “Question Number” column in your Questions table and number the questions.
  • Add a Custom Collection to your screen, target the Questions table, filter by group is signed-in user’s group and question number equals signed-in user’s current question.
  • The only caveat here is you either have to set the “current question” of a user to 1 while onboarding them, or leave the first question with an empty number so the first question does show up.
  • When they answer correctly, increment the “current question” number so it moves to the next one.
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Unfortunately there is no way I can make the same questions page link with users to allow it to increment the current number and make the answer work as well.

I no longer think this is possible so no need to assist

Why though? Based on your data structure, I think it would be possible.

Yeah I have tried but it is not allowing me to do so at least on the free plan

Is there a way I can do this multiple choice instead??

The flow I gave you should be possible on the free plan.

Can you please show us how you’re configuring it?

I removed it but I would try again and then send a video recording of every aspect.