Hi, new Glide user here. I’m trying to build an app that allows employers to offer jobs to employees.
I have a table of employers, employees, job postings, and a table that records which job postings were offered to which employees. I’m trying to update that last table here.
Here’s the desired workflow:
- Employer creates job posting. (done)
- Employer clicks button taking them to list of employees. (done)
- Employer clicks on employee and gets employee info, along with a button that says “offer a job”. (done)
- Employer clicks on button that takes them to the list of job postings they have created. (done)
- Employer clicks on the job they want to offer to this employee, creating a record of the fact that they have offered the job to this employee by adding a row to the jobs offered to employee table.
My issue is step 5. When I change screens in step 3, I lose the data of which employee was being looked at, so I can’t make an action that adds data from the job posting table and the employee table to the jobs offered table.
Any help appreciated. Sorry if this seems kind of complicated.