Automatically transfer the rowID value

I have a problem - I think it’s trivial, but unfortunately I’m stuck.

I have a “Recipe” table - the recipe is saved (I have rowID). Within this recipe I want to add an ingredient (a separate “Ingredients” table - a component with an ingredients table in the recipe screen). How can I automatically transfer the rowID value of the recipe to the screen for adding a new ingredient of the Ingredients table?

I would be grateful for a hint.

You should have the current context of the current recipe. There are Screen Values that you can use in a add row action or set column values after submit.

If you click on the peek a boo data view, do you see the current recipe row.

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When I click on peek a boo data I have the “Recipe” value, but the table shows the “Ingredients” data - I don’t have the “Recipe” value there

Ok, this solution will work, but in this case I’m giving up the standard function of adding rows. I was hoping there was an easier way to achieve the same effect.

Thanks a lot for your help!

What do you mean by this? Aren’t you using a form?

I haven’t used Forms before so thanks for the tip.
What I meant was that I expected it to be possible to use the standard plus button (used to add rows in tables) with the possible use of workflow or something like that.

But if this is the only possible path (I checked and it actually works) then ok, thanks for the help :wink:

Doesn’t the plus button open a form though?

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