Help with multi level sums

I have 3 glide tables organized into a multi-level setup with the workout-weeks table at the top level, which has multiple workout-days, and workout-days has multiple workout-exercises.

Each exercise in workout-exercises is done for a certain number of sets and belongs to a category.

I need to sum up the number of sets per category per workout-day and workout-week and I’m unsure the best way to go about doing this.

Hoping someone can help!

I assume you already have relations from one sheet to the other sheets? I would think that you can create a rollup on each parent sheet that sums the data through the relation. So sheet 1 would have a relation to sheet 2 and sheet 2 would have a relation to sheet 3. Sheet 2 would have a rollup that sums the related data in sheet 3. Sheet 1 would have a rollup that sums the data in the rollup created in sheet 2.

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