HELP: Components in inline list not saving

Hi there,

I created a new tab recently and added an inline list. The components I added within the inline list are not saving for some reason…It clears out everything I built and populates two random columns from my spreadsheet. I re-built it and when I clicked out of the tab and back in, it cleared it out again.

Am I missing something?


Hi @Micheline_K welcome to the community.

Quick check - have you got any filters or visibility conditions applied?

These will effect the visibility of components

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Hi @Rosewebstudio, thanks for your response.

It is the components on the right side panel that are disappearing. There are no visibility conditions set. I added a set of components, then when I click out and back in, they’re gone.

Might you know why this is happening?

@Micheline_K Can you show us a few screen shots or even better record a video using something like

I think I figured it out. If it happens again, I’ll send a video recording. Thanks for your help @Rosewebstudio!

For more context: I had an inline list (1) within another inline list (2). The inline list (2) and other components were not being displayed after I added them. I deleted the tab and re-did it using a relation in inline list (2) and it now seems to be working. Still can’t figure out why the components I added in the panel disappeared though.


Glad you worked it out :wink:

Can be frustrating when things don’t work as you expected but perseverance often gets you to where you want to be.

Well done :+1:

Ask questions anytime, we are here to help each other.

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Thanks so much!

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