Hello from Russia (with love, ofc)

My name is Eugene :wave:

In my main job, I work as the head of the media buying team.

But now I’ve discovered zerocoding, and I realized that I want to make the world of mobile apps accessible to micro-businesses and individual entrepreneurs.

But they can’t afford a team of developers, applications are very expensive, from 1 to 5 annual salaries, even in not particularly promoted studios.

And I want to help such businesses and entrepreneurs keep up with technological progress. So I decided to set up a development studio. I have already started assembling a team and looking for clients, although I am just learning. Before I worked only with user acquisition for standard native apps.

Very happy to become a part of your community. :raised_hands:


Hi @Eugene_Rusin , welcome to Glide! :raised_hands:

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Nice to meet you @Eugene_Rusi. A warm welcome to the community. Your plans sound promising, wishing you and your team great success with Glide and have fun learning.

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Hello Eugene,

Wellcome to Glide, the community is very rich and helpful. Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Marc Olivier (From Paris, France)

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