I can see how to use DocsAutomator to create a PDF from Glide using a single action manually initiated by a button click for a selected single row.
My use case however is to to cycle through a collection (list of rows from the start to the end of the collection) and applying a filter to each row so that for the rows that meet the condition, then Docsautomator can add row details of to the PDF.
I am not yet familiar with the new workflow capability - Could there be a way to achieve generating a PDf output of selected records from a filtered collection?
Yes, that should be quite doable using a workflow.
How would you want it to be triggered?
ie. by a User clicking a button, on a schedule, or some other way?
Hi @Darren_Murphy I could set up a “utilities page” in the app where there could be a button to press to initiate the workflow…what do you think?
It really would be as simple as doing it on demand from the app.
I havent used the new workflows - can you give me a clue as to how to go about setting up that button pls?
PS - The app I want to use to create this PDF is the Legacy starter edition - Can anyone tell me if this has the new workflows available?
Otherwise - Is it possible to move an app from one account to another glide account?
Hmm - I think to create a PDF report that cycles through all the records in a table, that will need to be triggered by a schedule or a webhook
It looks like Loops cant be triggered by a user in the app
I guess I will need to use a schedule
This could be a show stopper when it comes to using workflows, as I don’t believe (backend) workflows are available for Legacy Plans.
They can, but only if you have the right plan. See above
Assuming you don’t have access to backend workflows, then your options would be to either upgrade to a new plan, or turn to some external integration tool such as Make.com.
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