Google Sheets not loading correctly


We’ve using glide for quite some time now, suddenly last week we have received several complaints from our users that some data is not loading correctly.

This data comes from a Google Sheets with aprox 9000 rows. Some users can see only half and need to refresh multiple times for the data to load correctly, others have been refreshing plenty of times and many rows are still not loading.

We’ve never received complaints about this error before,
Does anyone know what might be happening?

Which plan are you on? Is it one of the legacy plans or a current plan? What does your usage screen show?

We are on a Legacy Pro Plan and have Unlimited Usage enabled
Captura de pantalla 2024-12-16 154820

Hmm, should be fine then. Any chance those Google sheet tables are dynamically built? Maybe it’s syncing during a reload? Other than that, I’m not sure.

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