Hi guys,
Here I show you my demo APP where I simulate a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for cellular stations. From APP, the user could read/write values (real-time and historical data) from/to devices or machines connected to system.
Of course, machines don’t talk XML, JSON or HTML and Glide and Google services don’t talk industrial protocols either so, I use something called ** IoT Gateway** as translator and move the data from plant floor to cloud and vice versa.
The architecture and the data flow can be seen in this drawing to help
And due to I don’t have real machines at home to test, my laptop works as simulator for this data and speaks the machines’ protocol. The values you will see on my APP are random and they are changing every 3-5 seg (it’s a demo!) .
My Google Sheet is using a script to poll and log the machines’ data (my laptop so far) every 1 min and Glide updates the APP every 4-5 min automatically because of I’m using a Pro version otherwise, this must be done manually. My GS receives and sends data in JSON format to devices/machines (my laptop) but the Iot Gateway (which is running on my laptop too) translates it to industrial protocols like Modbus, Siemens TCP /IP, OPC, etc to work with machines.
Unfortunately, I can’t read that data faster because of max speed to fire a GS script is 1 min and even, doing this with Integromat, the fastest speed is 1 min too. Between using a GS script or Integromat to make my demo, I chose a GS script due to Integromat’s free plan only lets me fire an action every 15 min, instead, with GS I can do it every 1 min automatically. Both of them are valid options.
The APP allows you to update the machines data manually using this button highlighted in yellow…
The updating lasts 8-10 sec with my slow internet (sorry… I’m trying to replace my ISP ). With a faster internet connection, I could get 4-5 sec instead (we talked about it @Darren_Murphy)
So, if you press the blue button to update the data, please be patient
There are other considerations, improvements and tips to get this (using a Webhook for example, fire my script will be faster that a direct write from Glide) but I don’t want to complicate this tread more with a topic already wide and complex as well.
A great improvement could be the new Glide API Column (currently in development with @Mark working to improve its capabilities). If API Column would have more options and it was more flexible, I’d avoid using a script to read and classify the JSON data but I understand the problem that Mark is facing.
To sum up, I just wanted to show this demo to tell that Glide can be used in other markets/target like industrial automation that in these days, it is called IoT, IIoT or Domotic.
Any comment or suggestion is welcome.
Have a nice day!
Disclaimer to use my APP
1- I don’t have a fast internet connection (and my ISP is a calamity) so, the updating data can last 8-10 secs al least.
2- My laptop works as server to update data. Here I simulate the machines’ values (temperature, power, alarms, etc) and is where my IoT Gateway (software) is running (It’s an MS Windows world … not Mac!).
3- I’m going to keep my laptop ON and running as much as I can. If there is any failure regarding data updating, probably the cause is generated by my ISP or my laptop was shutdown… sorry