Hello Fellow Gliders
I’m new the community and enjoying glide.
How do you sync only a few tables from an Airtable Base doing a Sync?
I’m Syncing a large data set but Glide seems to crash during the sync and ask me to reload.
Any help or references on this would be appreciated 
Is there a way to partially sync @Robert_Petitto ? I guess not?
Only way to do that would be to create a linked base that only brings in some of the tables from the other base(s).
Only problem with this solution is that it would be read o ly because you can’t write back to a synced base.
…it would be superb if Glide ever allowed you to only bring in an AT view rather than the entire base.
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Wouldn’t that also be read only by definition?
Or can AirTables views be written to?
No, you can write to a view.
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