Glide table does not update

My App/Pages support link:

Describe the bug:
When i change the value of a specific column on a Glide table it doesn’t change in the table. However the new value is visible on the frondend in the app.
Things I have tried to resolve the problem: Refresh page & sync manual.
Table: Products, Column: SKU
Now, after 45 minutes the value has finally changed.

Expected behavior:
The value has to change visibly after changing in the table.

**How to replicat

Link to demo recording:

Support link: Glide

I would recommend using Loom next time.

Do you mean that when you change the value in the Glide data editor, the value does not sync to your Google Sheets?

As mentioned it is a Glide table. So no.

With all due respect… It shouldn’t be necessary to report 3 bugs in 2 weeks time.

Can someone from support picking this up please?

Please submit a ticket here.

Thank you for the link, ThinDinh
I have submitted the ticket.

Regards, Ronald

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Can some of support please pick this up?

You would have to wait for the support team to reply to your ticket in the email. Normally if you have submitted a ticket they don’t respond here.

cc: @SantiagoPerez

Hi ThinhDinh, thank you for your comment.
I understand that I’m not the only one making a support request, but this is really a serious issue.

The app in question runs for a company in a production environment and the Glide table does not do what is expected of it because the data entered in the cell does not appear in that cell (the old value remains visible).

This makes the app unusable as you will understand. Hence my impatience.


This bug should be fixed later today. Apologies.

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Thank you so much, Mark
Great news!

By the way… This happens also in my other Glide tables in the same app. Just for your info.

Regards, Ronald

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