Glide table column of type Rich Text won't save any content

My App/Pages support link:

Describe the bug:
In a Glide table, the column of type “Rich Text” won’t save any content.

Expected behavior:
Expecting to have the content saved after entering data into a cell in a column of type Rich Text.

How to replicate:

  1. Create a new column in Glide tables and set the column type to “Rich Text”.
  2. Try to enter any content into a cell in that database column and save it by clicking the checkmark icon. Not possible. None of the entered content is saved.

Link to demo recording:
Not necessary in this case.

Please get support from within Glide while the app is open by selecting the “?” button at the bottom right. That will bring you to a support page, which currently has an “Open Support Ticket” link.

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