I really hope you add the option to GLIDE PAGES
of a rich text component that can apply CSS styling to the page Just like in GLIDEAPP (even if it is not supported by you)
It’s very convenient and powerful, CSS can be activated according to conditions and more…
It also saves the custom CSS mess that GLIDE PAGES currently has
Instead of putting everything as one huge file with lots of lines of code
I can break it down per page and locate and understand in a second
Friends, vote is a must in GLIDE PAGES
Always helpful to everyone and very flexible Consider activating CSS according to conditions - very powerful
There is a hidden world behind CSS, and answering this question will not do any good for anybody
Let’s stick to Pages… and hope they give us a Fixed element so I don’t need to write so much code for my customers.
I still insist
It is so essential
What does it bother? Those who want to use and add CSS should do so Those who don’t want to don’t use it
In my opinion, it really enhances GLIDE PAGES