Glide Pages, Maps

I’m a little confused, but the inline list/tab of maps that I would see in Glide Apps doesn’t seem visible or available in Glide Pages, is this just my mistake? How do I create an interactive map on Glide Pages in a similar way as Glide Apps?

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Maps are not supported in Pages yet.
No indication as to when support might be added. I think the only option you have at the moment is to open a map in a webview.


I even tried to embed a Glides App into the “Web Embed” component on Glide Pages, but that doesn’t seem to work either… Is there a way, or some program, that can be put into the “Web Embed” that works with the Google Sheets data in real-time or do you know of any solutions/workarounds others have done? Is there a reason why the Glide team won’t put maps into Glide Pages?

Yeah, Glide doesn’t allow itself to be embedded for security reasons.
Sorry, I’m not aware of any workarounds - others might be.

As to why it’s not there, I think it’s just a matter of priorities. Pages is still a relatively new product, and new features are constantly being added. So I’d expect that it’ll eventually be added - although I must stress that I don’t know that for a fact.


Reading the intro for Pages from Nov '21 all the indications were that Pages would be equal to Apps. Pages is still missing the AUDIO and MAP component, both central to our app ( We were excited about getting a desktop version with Pages, and devoted lots of company time and resources for the last 8 months to get ready. We haven’t seen an ETA for those, or even confirmation that they’ll ever migrate over.

You can display audio using HTML in a rich text component, but for maps I’m not sure about an ETA.

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