Glide Pages: Better Breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs component is crucial in Glide Pages…proper navigation between screens is critical. Here’s a trick I discovered on how to keep breadcrumbs clean and accurate:


Coolness!! Thank you for sharing. I was seriously just pondering how to accomplish this concept without any clunkiness in Pages. You da :bomb: !

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Happy to help!

thanks for all the content Robert! I have really learnt so much from you!

I’m facing an issue where i cant seem to change the breadcrumb text, its returning a column which is a reference id but not the title of the content.

I’ve tried rearranging the columns in the glide editor (its a GS) as the reference id was originally right beside the rowid col. but it doesnt seem to update.

Wonder if you know how this would work. Thanks!

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Did you you try changing the title for your screen? Column order should have no influence on the title. You need to select the correct column to display as your title.

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omigosh, that was the most basic thing i did not think to do! was so focused on the breadcrumb element. Thanks Jeff!


Ya…it’s not super obvious because you typically have to back up one screen to set the value.