Glide Builder error occurring.. or not?

I am getting frequent error when working in the Glide Builder. This has just been happening to me the past few days or so. I have cleared cache and restarted computer and laptop where I use the builder. Still getting the error.
The same error is happening on laptop and desktop when applying some edits and changes to my apps. As I edit an app, it will start to respond slow to changes and then hang, and then give me the error dialog and I have to reload the page. I have tried other browsers with same result. (using a mac).
Any suggestions on how to resolve?

Does it happen only for a specific app?

Random question, but what is you Mac OS version and the browser’s version?

M1 desktop is Sequoia 15.1.1 and M2 laptop is Sonoma 14.7.2
I use Brave browser on both normally. (updated to 1.73.104) I tried chrome but same thing happens.
Never had an issue before.

Good question… Mainly editing and updating two apps. Never had issue before.

If you create a new app, is this happening?

Well… Let me go create a new app. I will also go and work on another app I have and see what happens. I will report back.

You can also keep browser’s console open since it can show helpful error messages.

I have a large app that does this when the browser memory for the builder hits 2GB.