Generating a newsletter digest from Glide inputs

I had the same need so I did exactly as described by @PabloMFalero.

But quickly realized all the limitations of this setup:

  • It’s very hard to create a campaign and send it automatically with non-paid plans on Zapier
  • Managing subscriptions is very challenging, especially if you want your users to be able to toggle their subscriptions from your app (an unsubcribe link - managed by Mailchimp - HAS to be present in every email sent, which fucks up everything / requires so many zaps to sync both lists)

Then I discovered a much better combination with Integromat and Mailjet:

  • Users can subscribe / unsubscribe from my app, subscriptions are only managed by the Users’ sheet (true / false + last subscribed at timestamp)
  • Every week at fixed hour, Integromat wakes up, looks at the new content and the list of subscribers from my spreadsheets, generates a newsletter and sends it automatically. For this I use the built-in email feature by Integromat and some SMTP credentials from Mailjet.

It’s not perfect and still has limitations* but it’s working pretty well, automatically and for free!
Thank you @V88 for pointing up this great solution right here.

*Can you think about a way to generate a unique 1-click unsubscribe link to be added within each email, so I don’t force users to sign-in to unsubscribe?