Functionality works ok in the App Builder, not so in the phone app


I got a TextEntry field and Button. In a Glide table I have Input column, where the text from the TextEntry writes, and Test column type Lowercase Text. Users tend to input text with first capital letter by default, which is undesirable since the input text is compared with original text in another column and if same then function is triggered. Therefore I love Lowercase Text type of column. The problem is that the functionality works in the app builder but when I try in the phone app, it doesn’t work (else part of if-then-else function triggers). Also, the Lowercase Text column type disables now and then switching to a regular Text type. Any help here? This issue started after I introduced Lowercase Text column type. I was long hoping for this function since users may enter text in capital letters and I need lowercase text for further comparing with the original text. Any thoughts here?

I do appreciate. Lubos

Do you submit the lowercase text through a form by any chance, or it’s a column in the destination table? What is your flow now to “correct” the undesired capitalized text? I’m thinking if you submit it through the form then you might run into trouble.

I have a standard Entry Field and a Button, see attachment. User writes a text (often capitalized initial letter), hits the check button, the text is entered into a destination Glide table, into a column titled “Input” (type text, user specific). To get rid of any possible capitalization, I have created another column titled “Lowercase” (type Lowercase text with target column “Input”). Then, I compare the Lowercase column entries with another column in the same Glide destination table using a function if-then-else which is trigg after hitting the Check button. So, the Check button is tied with more actions after hitting:

  1. Text is entered into “Input” column and immediately any possible capitalization removed in the “Lowercase” column
  2. Text in the “Lowercases “ column is compared with an original word in another column titled “Word” (all entries there are lowercases therefore need for removing capitalization) through action if-then-else.

The app will serve a foreign students in learning new English words to test translation of words they have learned.

I’m desperately looking for a way how to get rid of the capitalization.

Hope this helps understand the workflow.

Thank you :pray:

Just a follow-up thought….The thing also is that after I set Lowercase column, the if-then-else comparing action stopped working even if a user enters a word with all lower cases. Before, when I had only regular text column into which user entries were written, it worked fine, of course an issue was when a user entered a word with capital initial letter.

So you only need this because you have a relation based on the input that is case-sensitive, right?

I think you understand the flow right, just want to explain my idea below to see if it truly fits what you have:

  • Create a lowercase text column on top of the input column (which I assume is a user-specific column).

  • When users push the “Check” button, write the lowercase text column to the destination table.

  • In the destination table, you only need to care about one column that was written in step 2 and build the relation on top of it.

Yes, you got all points right.
I may have already figured it out. Since if-then-else action that I use for comparing original text with the input doesn’t work right after implementing Lowercase column type, I tried to add a third column type Check Text Matches through which I compare Lowercase Input and Original word and it works just fine. Not sure if this is the most simple solution with 3 different columns (Input-Text column type, Lowercase-Lowercase Text column type, and Match-Check Text Matches column type) but it seems to work for this case. I will appreciate if you let me know if you come up with an easier way of doing it.

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I think you just need a lowercase column on the Input table, then write that through the add row action to the destination table. I’m not aware how you’re constructing your tables though, just my 2 cents.