Forms freezes, can't type anything

i am using an iphone and am unable to type.

the on-screen keyboard pops up but i am unable to type anything. this happens on my forms and occasionally on the sign in page where you can’t even type your email.

it sometimes goes away when you restart.

is this a common problem, maybe with the app waiting to sync in the background?

I had a form that had up to 700 possible data entries depending on the entry before it and it did the same thing. How many data entries do you have on the form?

Could you please make a video?

Are you using the iOS keyboard, or a third-party one?

only 5 entries. it also happens on the sign in screen (with one entry)

it doesn’t happen all the time, and resolves itself with time (a minute or two) rather than if you restart so i assume it’s issue with syncing making the app freeze.

What kind of connection do you have when the issues occur? The apps are entirely web based so you need a good connection while using them.

home wifi. have replicated it,
seems like a keyboard issue with swiftkey.

I suggest disabling swiftkey if thats the issue.

hey yes am using the swiftkey keyboard. it happens every time you start the app, and after about a minute it works.

seems to be fine with the iOS keyboard so i guess that’s a workaround if your users are using it.

have uploaded a quick video of it here- google drive link

also it seems to happen only when you launch from your home icon. if you access the app from your browser the issue does not occur.

yes, but practically getting all your users to change their settings just to make your app compatible is not the best UX. also it seems to happen only when you launch from your home icon. if you access the app from your browser the issue does not occur.

And this happens for all of your users? Have you tried reinstalling the app. You might of made quite a few updates that load into it each time.