🆕 Format Date Plugin

Probably outside the scope of Luxon but whilst on the subject of dates, how can we disable dates in the past from being selected? Useful for booking requests for dates in the future, i.e. today and beyond.

Date component has the option to have only future dates:

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Thank you, I missed that! Is it a relatively new feature because I didn’t see it when I originally built my pro app in May 2020.

It was added like 1-2 months ago.

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Might already be there …


@david must have went for the late night coffee.


This is my new favorite—thanks @david! It even does future dates!


Must be a very long “Jumbo” brainy dose American coffee, and not an expresso…
I can’t see how technically you can sip your coffee and code at the same time🤔
Hand Free Mind Power? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Might be slightly off? @david

Is it possible to get one that can pull data (Figures) within Date range? I am not sure if its there or not.
I one of my Apps, I have a Sales column with transactions by Date, I would like to be able to pull
Revenue/Sales within a specified date range e.g 1 May 2021 - 31 May 2021 something to that effect. I am not sure if i am making sense but i hope someone gets what i mean


You don’t need fancy fetch columns to do that. Just a bit of date math and if-then-else logic :wink:


Please Do Tell…I was actaully trying to avoid having to create a lot of columns but if its not too much to ask, you can give me a brief overview and i can try to do the rest :sweat_smile:

Well, in the simplest form probably a single if-then-else column would suffice. Something along the lines of:

  • If transaction date is before start date, then empty
  • Else if transaction date is after end date, then empty
  • Else true

Then anything with true fits within your date range.


I think it’s just the granularity

You want a relational SELECT WHEN WHERE CONDITIONS for data filtering/extractions, if I may formulate a broader general feature, Luther?


I’m working on a knowledge base. With long text (from a mobile POV: 3 scrolls max) that need formatting to be decent. Mark.up.down (never know what’s the right word) is really tedious, especially if not everything is rendered as expected.
Would be great to use a mark.up.down editor-previewer-converter directly inside/from a column.
And not use Google Sheet for multilines rich text.
If it’s consistent/relevant with the Glide architecture, mindset & strategy?
Thks, David :cherry_blossom:

Not sure if this is possible, but a plug in that creates a PDF from a template using input data would be awesome. I’m working on making a CV generator tool using webhooks and integromat, and it’s just a lot more complicated than I’d like!

Awesome job with these, they’ve really opened up new ideas for me with future app features!


You now have total control over parsing dates! https://www.glideapps.com/plugins/parse-date


How did you do to setup the french translation ? It’s in english only for me.