Filter doesn't work if template column displayed in the list

-Filter doesn’t work if template column displayed in the list! If you display compound field in the list or you display compound template (more than one element), inline filter doesn’t function, shows no rows!

How to replicate

  1. Display list (collection)
  2. In item title put just one column, e.g. “First name”.
    3, Inline filtering works!
  3. Add “Second name” in item title, separated by “,”.
  4. Same filtering doesn’t work!

First workaround try: displaying one template column with two elements doesn’t work.

Second workaround try: set column value template → static column and displaying just this single column - works! This is dirty workaround because the action after every submit has to be performed.

Kindly asking Glide development to fix this bug without much ado!

Environment: Glide big tables.