Filter data by selecting customer service name, start date and end date

I want to select the selected data based on customer service name, start date and end date,
but I’m confused when I select one of the customer service data names in the if-date-admin column and it’s false, how do I make the data match what I selected?

If name IS NOT name, then false. If date is LESS THAN or GREATER THAN their respective start and end dates, then false. Your final Else should be true.

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Hi, thanks for the response, I have tried it, and it works…
but there is one more problem, when I don’t select anything the data is empty, what I hope is that when I don’t select anything the data all appears

If two of the filters are filled, but not the third, what should happen?

the data remains empty

but if I just select the customer service name, the data appears, even though I don’t select the start and end dates

Is that what you want? So you want to be able to select a just dates, or select just a name, or select both? And if you select nothing, then everything shows? What if you select only one of the two dates? I just want to understand what you expect to helaooeb in all of those scenarios.

Can you show how your IF column is currently set up?

expected scenario

  1. When you don’t select anyone: the data will be displayed in its entirety
  2. When selecting one of the filters (date or name): it will display the data according to what was filtered, if everything is filtered (date and name) the data will follow suit.

Ok, first of all, change your date conditions to be <= and >=. Your dates are only filtering to the 19th and not including the 18th or 20th. You don’t have any data for the 19th.

I think there is more to do, but start with that first to make sure it works with all 3 filters filled.

is this the setting like?
I tried filtering the 17th and 18th with the name CS Risky, but it didn’t return true

I may have been wrong with the <= and >=. Due to the complexity of the conditions, I’m thinking you may need to split this into two IF columns.

One for just dates like this:

If start date is empty then true
ElseIf end date is empty, then true
ElseIf date < start then false
ElseIf date > end then false
Else true 

Then another just for name:

If name is empty then true 
ElseIf name is not search name then false
Else true 

Change your collection filter to check if both IF columns are true for the row to be shown.

Can I also ask why you are comparing to a name in the user profile instead of a single value in the table?

perfect, thank you very much, thanks to you I have achieved what I hoped for…
thank you very much…

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