Error: open link don't work inside custom action

i read it… just trying to find the problem… so only the link with parameters is not opening? normal links have no problem?

save that link as a first action… then do whatever actions you need to do, then open the link from that saved column… it looks to me that parameters are changing do to your father actions

how do you construct that link?.. analyze that processs, there must be something that affect your final link

it’s a template

so saved link opens without a problem?

didn’t help

i would have to see it, to help you more… you can Zoom me or share your App

not now.

but i’m sure you can get same result.
just make a button, custom action, chek for any state and then open link:

&details=СЕВЕР DANCE FOREVER  <br>
Формат: Баттл<br>
Стили: All Style,  Electro,  Kids<br>
&location=г. Москва 
target=""_blank"" rel=""nofollow"">Add to my calendar"

it’s not work.

and then remove checking the state - it will work

The link is wrong… this is what are you trying open? this is a HTML for a page, not a link…

what you need is just this:<br>
&location=г. Москва 

no i need all of it.
i made a test app, how to share it?

message me in privet… why do you need all of it? you need only link… rest is a HTML to create a page… you cant create a page inside Glide App

i need all of it. it made an event in calendar.

this is not how you do it… what you have is HTML, not a link… you can create a Google web App and paste that code there… but not in Glide

are you competitev?

here is a app: test
2 button. try it.
different only in checkin state: in one it exist, and in oter it’s not

what is the link you are using for the working button?

both button with same link:
&details=СЕВЕР DANCE FOREVER  <br>
Формат: Баттл<br>
Стили: All Style,  Electro,  Kids<br>
&location=г. Москва 
target=""_blank"" rel=""nofollow"">Add to my calendar

your link should look like this:,+Electro,+Kids%3Cbr%3E%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BC:

i put your code in button “it’s work” - check it

i see… there is no link in the not work button… is empty…
also… to create an event, you need to have a client ID… you don’t have one there… I’m amazed that the other button works lol

please stop it. you try to find reason where it’s not.
there are is same link.

if you are not involved in inner work of glide, please don’t waste my time.
here is a action in that button:

sorry for wasting your time! bye ( you need a google account ID to create a google calendar event… like your email… that’s why is not opening)