Embed live video (calls) with Mixily

And a bonus URL - https://meet.jit.si/ROWID#userInfo.displayName="name"&userInfo.email="EMAIL"

put this into a template column:

  • RowId - gives you a unique URL
  • name - fills in the username so the user does not need to add anything
  • email adds that too (not sure where it sits, but somewhere!)

For my app I now have…

This is the ‘agent’ side (I have two apps - both working off the same sheet).
The agent has to verify steps and click in the app.
I now like the Desktop / Tablet view for my agents as they just need to scroll up and down and stay all the time in Glide (so no extra windows, no separate app).

The user gets a username present as ------- (as they are supposed to be anonymous)
And the Agent gets an Agenrt Code - Agent56772 (so the user can take down their details if they want to)

And it all seems to work!