Zipcan: embeddable video chat

I know we can use Jitsy as videochat via Webview.
Would this be an option too? Looks promising


Funny, this has been my week, working on video integration. I had a breakthrough yesterday using The video chats open new windows, but they start and are customized by actions/choices from within Glide.

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This is going to be an awesome thread…keep it coming!

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Zipcan did a little competitor research @Robert_Petitto
Of course they are the best :wink:
But besides that: interesting list

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Hello Erwin,

Without knowing the exact method Glide uses for custom embeds, I can’t say for sure. All of our embed options contain JavaScript, so Glide would need to accept JavaScript in the embed in order to run Zipcan. If they accept JavaScript in their embed module, then it should work. You’ll need to make sure to whitelist the correct domain as well.

We have found that some third-party applications will sandbox custom code, and subsequently strip out the necessary JavaScript for Zipcan to run. But we are planning to develop solutions around this in the future.


@McJagger Hey, can you share your experience if you embed also frame size width etc… in glideapp also for daily co… or you just paste URL in webview. i am looking how can we embed frame size and get rid of some functions that not need through javascript embed code in glideapp for daily co.