Did the email is signedin_user functionality change recently ?
I’m watching https://docs.glideapps.com/all/guides/quick-starts/intermediate-techniques/per-user-data and doing it as mentioned using the ‘visibility’ option. This doesn’t seem to be working anymore.
Any ideas ?
As far as I aware, there’s no changes regarding that. What are your current setups, can you show us some screenshots?
Thanks @ThinhDinh - Does this help ?
I have set the visibility conditions to Email in signed-in user, but don’t know how to set the filter as such, like what is shown in the video. This page is sourced from a sheet with one of the columns as email addresses, and I’m trying to personalize the page for signed in individuals.
Hi, please check my personal message. I will take time to have a TeamViewer session to explain in more details to you and if you need further helps we can discuss there.
You don’t want visibility…you want filter where email is signed in user.
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Thanks guys. I just deleted the sheet of 400 rows and added just 2 rows to test it and it worked great. So, it looks like some kind of a data anomaly
– Some email fields were empty and some others had multiple emails
– It’s also possible that there were some other issues I need to figure out going through the list one by one
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