Hello everyone,
I need your guidance regarding an issue I’m facing with the default edit form in Glide. I am working on a basic editing form (using Glide’s out-of-the-box functionality, not a custom form), and I can’t seem to edit rows as expected.
Here’s my setup:
I have a collection of items that comes from a relationship (parking lots), and I need to edit the properties of individual items in this collection (parking spaces — one parking lot has many parking spaces). In the collection, I’ve set up an “item click action” that leads to the default edit form. On that form, I’ve added the necessary fields, which are related to the base table (parking spaces).
However, I’ve encountered a few issues:
- The form does not display the data of the selected row as expected.
- When I submit the form, it does not update the selected row in the target table (parking spaces). Instead, it adds a new row to the table with the provided data.
I’ve noticed a couple of behaviors:
- After clicking the submit button, the fields in the form clear out.
- Clicking submit results in a new row being added to the target table instead of updating the previously selected row.
My questions are:
- How can I create the behavior I need, where the form updates the selected row in the target table?
- Is there a way to hide the “submit” button on the collection or the form so I can use just one for this functionality?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Here are some of my screens for the setup:
This is the collection for the relationship
This is the onclick action for the items on the collection
This is the edit form, it does not “load” the values for the selected row