Hi Guys,
I have been using Graphs for pictorially representing my numbers. I have couple of doubts.
I happened to put my owners in X axis and The Invoice value in Y Axis
I happened to see number change when I click on Limit Number of Items as shown in red in my screenshot below
and Increase Page size value There are different numbers in Y axis.
What do these mean?
My Data source is airtable, Does it mean if I set the Page size value to 500, it will show me all data within 500 in my data source?
- Is there any other 3rd party we can use for Graphs?
Thank you in advance
I believe this limits the number of unique items that are shown on your chart.
I think page size limits the number of “bars” that are shown on a single page of your chart.
I usually use Chart.js in Github for custom charts. A more popular option around here is Quickcharts.
Thank you @ThinhDinh let me check the link out and try it.