Display bug - Difference between production and edition


I have 2 fields which are not display at teh same between Glide Editor and Production.
So strange :disappointed_relieved:

On Glide Editor

On URL of production

Please let me know your point of view about this problem.

Thank you !

Are you sure you’re looking at the same row?
If you are, send us to support@glideapps.com your support link and we’ll take a look.


yes same row.

Thank you for the e-mail address.
I 'am going to sent a message.

This looks like a bug, maybe in the browser.

Someone else ? :slight_smile:

Thank you

That’s… very odd. Did you [accidentally] change the data??

No, I did my fields as my others fields.
Nothing different. So strange.

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It’s hard to tell what’s going on from a couple of images. If you can provide some more information on where the data is coming from, how you are calculationing the data, and how you are displaying it, then it might help the rest of us determine if there is a bug or if you might have something configured incorrectly. If could very well be a relation or filter that’s set up incorrectly.

On Edition result is OK.
On Production, KO : https://silly-store-9600.glideapp.io/

I really think it is a bug from Glide because on Edition result is ok.

This is my setup for the field New Column D :

Is there any chance you can allow your app to be copied? I’m having trouble seeing how all the numbers connect together.

I do not know how to do ?

My app is inside a folder. Else I can add you as a member if you want ?
If yes, let me know your e-mail in inbox.

Thank you very much.

Hello @Jeff_Hager,

Here, the button is available : https://silly-store-9600.glideapp.io/

To summarize my problem :
1. You need to choose these things on app :

  • Réseau Electrique : Monophasé
  • Température : MT
  • Option ECS : OUI
  • PAC préconisée - L2 : Saunier Duval (MT/ Mono/ 8 KW/ 200 L)
  • Montant moyen MEC selon grille tarifaire : 1000 (or what you want)
  • Situation de précarité : Grand prec.
  • Eligibilité ANAH : OUI

2. The 2 last fields do not give same results on edition and production

Thanks you very much for your help. :slight_smile:

WOW! There is a lot to keep track of in there. I think I may have found something and can maybe explain why it’s working for you in the edit version. Actually I think it’s not working. Using the choices you told me to use above, this is what I got in the glide editor.

I think in your case it appears to be working because I believe you have a value in your L3 column. If you clear that out, it will be broken as well in your editor.

What I think is happening is your ‘CODE NET A PAYER 3’ is equal to 1001, so all of the calculations are using L3 fields. The problem is you are filling an L2 choice with your scenario above. In your live version and in my version, the L3 column is empty, so that’s why it shows bad data. I think in your testing, you may have filled the L3 column choice and it’s still filled, even though you are displaying the L2 choice instead. I’m sure you have a much better understanding of how it should work. I hope this is enough information to help you understand what the problem is and hopefully you can find out which columns need to change. Your app is very overwhelming. :slight_smile:


Hello and thank you for your help @Jeff_Hager. It’s very nice.

I do not find. :frowning: I hope the support will resolve it.

I honestly think it’s something with your logic and you maybe have a condition that’s set wrong somewhere, but there are so many calculations that it’s hard for me to keep track of where it goes wrong.

Can you confirm for me if your L2 and L3 columns both haves values in them in the glide data editor? If they do, can you clear the value in the L3 column?