Different display of Collection Items Actions

Hello !
On my collection cards, I’ve configured different Collection Items Actions, but some are displayed directly as buttons and others in the little dots.

I’d like to know why for some and not all, and how this treatment is defined because I have the impression that their configuration is the same!
Thank you for your reply.


What layout are you using for this collection? I think it has something to do with the number of actions available.

I’m using Custom Layout with a Collection in a Card Layout. There is 11 actions in Collection Item Actions with conditions in order to display the good one.

In my screenshot you can see that there is only one action in the three dots button so i don’t understand why it doesn’t display directly as button like the others.

From my experience, only the first two actions can be displayed as buttons. The others actions will be hidden in the little dots.

That means if you have a visibility condition on let’s say the second action, if the visibility condition is not met, the button won’t be visible and the third action won’t take it’s place.

Sometimes in my apps, I purposefully add two actions that do nothing before adding other actions just so the actions show only in the little dots and there is no visible buttons.

Thank you for your reply but this is really strange and seems like a bug. Can we open a bug ticket for that ?

In my opinion there is no reason for display only the 2 first actions and not the others…

I think this is expected behaviour since even Glide starter apps use the method of having two “empty” actions to purposefully only display available actions in the little dots.

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Can you do this? Are they from the same collection and you’re using the grouping function?

Yes they are from the same collections and Grouped By.
There is the list of actions, all of them has conditions in order to only display one at once.

So if 1 of the first 2 actions top-down is visible, it shows a button, but if they’re from the 3rd downwards, it’s hidden behind a dropdown?

Yes it’s exactly that

Please submit a ticket so the team can look more into this.