Cards - Collection Item Actions

On Glide pages, I created a collection specially a card. When I put a Collection Item Action the button no longer appears. It was there this morning, but now it is gone.

There should be a button at the bottom to allow me to see a detail screen.

I have an image below show that the action is provided but no button is shown on the collection.

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This affects major functionality we have so would appreciate a quick fix!

I can reproduce. @SantiagoPerez @Mark, needs urgent attention

Could you share a support link? Also how to reproduce it?

How can I repro?

The first tab will show you my card list. I have a form button for the only card list on that tab.

Awesome! Thanks!

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Any update?

A fix will be up soon!

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@SantiagoPerez :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: anxiously awaiting!

@SantiagoPerez sorry to bug - any update on the fix? I’ve got clients asking and would love to be able to provide an ETA


The button works on live version. It just doesn’t show up in the builder.

You can configure button settings in the builder using List layout or Table layout, and switch the layout back to CARDS/GRIDS.

Publish your app, and your clients will see the button on live version.

@Hassan_Nadeem im having the opposite issue. My buttons appear in the builder view but in the live version they do not.



Could you send the link to your page so we can check?

Sure thing: Glide

You have shared the support link. I was asking for the live link

We have user profiles enabled so I’m not sure what you can see but I can set you up with access if need be. let me know

This issue with the card actions has been fixed. If your issue different, please submit a ticket.

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