Deep link to tab? Or alternative…

Hi all - here’s my use case for my telemedicine app:

User wants to book a session with an agent
The app includes a webview with a 3rd party booking site (SimplyBook - for a variety of reasons)
SB sends an email to the user

In that email I’d like a link to take the user directly to the ‘welcome person who booked’ screen

  • my app is structured with tabs (and I don’t think I can do links to tabs)
  • all users have to sign in with email (and cookies are mandatory) - and you can only do your booking through the app, so you must be a user

The key is sending the user to the app… to a page / screen that picks up their cookie, and can start them on their process.

I know that links made in the designer don’t work as public links, my issue is more that the ‘link to screen’ sharing option only gives me the glide domain (and not even my custom domain :frowning:

Thanks in advance for any ideas :slight_smile:

Would LOVE a deeplink to tab…doesn’t exist though.

The downside of the deep link is that it does not open the app if it’s on the Home Screen (it seems).

it is not a total disaster though:

  1. if the user is on a desktop, the link opens up the app without a pin prompt (as I have cookies) - and would be at the right screen (if I have tab visibility set up for that user experience - e.g. toggle-booking = true)

  2. BUT if they are on a mobile… they get sent to a browser window, get asked for email (then G authenticate or pin) — and then with an existing account, they go to the right page

So ok, if not perfect :slight_smile:

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