Dates no longer displaying in GlideApp

I have a timecard app where users input their in and out times. Very simple. I have a date/time field where the data is being stored, but no date/time is being displayed. Any ideas? I tried removing the field and adding it again. Its definitely storing the data in my sheet…

At the bottom there is a math field that caclulates the number of hours worked. You can see that all these fields are filled out because it computes 7.9 hours worked.

Can we see a screen shot of what the underlying Glide Table looks like?

Here is a sample of the data underneath.

No, I meant from the Glide Data Editor.
Can I see a screenshot of that please, that includes the column headings?

Here you go.

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 9.54.57 AM

They are all the same type of field.

Yes, I think that’s the problem. Notice how the column type is set as “None”?
Try changing that to date/time, and set the display as time only (or whatever is appropriate).
I suspect that will fix the problem.

Hmm, I just tried changing that and it did not make any change. Tried refreshing the sheet, making a new entry, but still does not display the time.

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 10.25.12 AM

Also when I do the entry it will show for a moment like this…

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 10.24.30 AM

Then moments later:

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 10.25.45 AM

You’re trying to show “time only” then use a date/time picker to “pick” that. What if you use a date & time display instead of time only? Does it solve the problem?

We only have date pickers, date time pickers, no time pickers, I believe.

To test this I set this one differently, still no change.

This has worked perfectly for ages, didn’t make any changes to the app, just one day it stopped working…

Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 2.22.00 PM

Weird. Glide rolled out a new computation model this week, so I assume that has some thing to do with this supposed bug.

Please submit a new ticket for the support team.

Great thanks, I submitted a support ticket.

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This will be fixed by Wednesday. Apologies.

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