Date format locale struggle: sheet vs app

Hi Darren,
I’m actually working on something based on your recommendation to me here.
I’m raising this issue here as I believe it’s a date format issue, but not 100% sure.
So, here’s what I’ve done:

  1. Listed all holidays in a Google Sheet (colA=start date, colB=holiday name). ColA is formatted DD/MM/YY.

  2. created a bridge to my custom form sheet (using the “User email” trick).

  3. Generated a Joined List for all values on the holidays sheet.

  4. An ITE column is showing true if the set date (from date picker) is included in the JL column.

  5. Added a hint which is (supposed to be) showing only when ITE column is “true”.

Well…that’s not working :frowning:
The ITE column is actually working as planned but for some reason the hint is displaying (or not) based on some other mystery logic. I’m not sure it’s a date issue, but that seems like the most plausible culprit.
Any ideas?